Sunday, August 30, 2015

West Point professor calls for use of military against critics of war on terror

No, this is sadly not a typo.
In a recent article published in The National Security Law Journal, a recently hired West Point law professor named William Bradford has argued that it is lawful for the military to pursue critics of the war on terror. According to an article in The Guardian:
“Shocking and extreme as this option might seem, [dissenting] scholars, and the law schools that employ them, are – at least in theory – targetable so long as attacks are proportional, distinguish noncombatants from combatants, employ nonprohibited weapons, and contribute to the defeat of Islamism,” Bradford wrote.
The idea that the military could be used to bomb or attack an institution of higher learning just because it dares to criticize military action is chilling in and of itself. What's worse is that this person is ostensibly going to be training future generations of military leadership, and poisoning their minds with blatant nonsense that will further erode and ruin the reputation and standing of the United States around the world.
Worse still is the fact that he's even a professor at West Point at all. He previously resigned from Indiana University in 2005 after it was discovered that he had exaggerated his military service resumé. And he claimed to have written the article cited by the Guardian as a professor at the National Defense University—a position he never held. 
Why is such a serial liar and academic fraud being given another chance at one of the most important training institutions in the country? Who, exactly, thought this was a good hire? Who looked at his credentials and said: "this is the guy we want to have on our faculty?"
This is a horrific situation. The only way for the USMA to save face here is to dismiss Bradford—on charges of academic dishonesty (again, for falsely representing credentials and positions not actually held).
not surprising West Point is right wing leaning to an almost prone position.  they train people to direct wars and follow their idea of how it should be done you know the same failing way they did the last couple and who's favorite pastime is that you guessed it republicans and right wing.  who if this is to be believed are now by this guy anyway considering wasting money and manpower to attack dissenting American citizens if they think differently???  

they are training people to take aggression against those who exercise their 1st amendment rights to free speech the same 1st amendment they claim when saying obnoxious despicable things. they are breeding a new order of military who thinks right wing war is good and we will kill you if you don't agree, these things are what our future could be depending on your vote and whether you do it.  

right wing voters your butts are subject to what anybody else's is so before the high fiving and cheering for Trump or whoever remember Trump is first a businessman he will be faced with making personal deals while supposedly making them for we the people which has not been a republican thing to do for decades.  i know having the implied power to "take the country back" first ask yourself to where if you are just a regular person now then back won't make it any better for you, so your vote becomes your own shooting in your own foot. recognize