Sunday, August 30, 2015

Trump Demanded Obama’s Birth Certificate But Refuses To Release His Own Records


Funny ain’t it? The guy who was screaming bloody murder over our current president’s birth certificate apparently doesn’t want anybody seeing any kind of paper trail that would support his contention that he graduated number one in his class at the Wharton School of Finance. This assertion was later exposed as a media myth with no basis in truth.
The New York Post last month carried it a few steps further than that. They couldn’t find a classmate with a memory of even running into Trump on campus. After two years attendance, Trumps name did appear in the yearbook as a student. There was no picture. If he accomplished anything notable, the yearbook editor missed it. The Washington Post pointed out that Trump was not, WAS NOT, enrolled in Wharton’s famed MBA program that has been at the core of its highly regarded academic reputation.
A skeptical Salon magazine article of a few years back implied a marginally deserved matriculation into Wharton thanks to a “sympathetic” admissions officer, an old classmate of Trump’s older brother.
Not only are his fellow students mum on the subject of Trump, but a report indicates the school isn’t exactly talkative on the matter either. There’s nary a single statement for attribution from current leadership of that fine institution. CNBC did discover that Trump has apparently not gifted his alma mater with penny one. The most positive thing that can be said about his connection to the school was his inclusion in a 2007 list of “most influential graduates.” The recognition was mainly predicated on his work in Real Estate.
Not the smartest, not number 1, just influential and nobody will deny him that. That’s a big step from being booted out of Kew-Forest School for behavioral problems as a young kid.
Of course memories fade after nearly a half-century. “The Donald” will be 70 his next birthday. If elected, he’ll be in his late seventies when he leaves the White House.
As for his great concern for workers losing jobs to those terrible corporations that have abandoned this great land, willy nilly and set up shop overseas, here’s but one striking example of that anti-American business strategy. It’s called Trump International Real Estate.
Here’s how the Trump International Website describes his global business: “The Trump Organization is the world’s only global luxury real estate super-brand, and is responsible for many of the world’s most recognized developments. 
Trump is renowned for its leadership in real estate development, sales and marketing, and property management representing the highest level of excellence and luxury in residential, office, and retail properties.” Many of his obscenely rich luxury clientele come from the very companies that abandoned the U.S.
His portfolio includes fancy hotels and golf courses in such faraway vistas as Dubai. “Hey, ain’t there some of them Muslims over there?” Yep, about 60%. Then there are Trump Hotels and Golf Courses, that at least bear his name that suckers purchase for the privilege of being associated with a goon. 
Let’s not forget the tax havens Panama and Ireland that make the list (trade-outs?) as does Canada, including an upcoming hotel project in “Van.” Canada is perfectly acceptable for assorted Trump money-making ventures. In listening to his speeches, Mexico is apparently not, the latter just missing acceptance by the skin of its skin.
Istanbul makes the cut with a 99% Muslim population. There are a bunch of other countries included in the portfolio. So, let’s make America great again by building our projects overseas.
Back home real world side note. Trump was noted for hiring general and sub-contractors who utilized great numbers of illegal immigrants in the workforces that built his hotels and other projects.
goose gander syndrome that's what's good for the other guy has no place in your sphere of misleading will the right wing base demand his credentials probably not IMO for the solitary reason he's White and it takes "THEIR COUNTRY BACK" to pre Black guy in WH days.

White privilege has taken on another meaning it allows equal lying about others and yourself or has that always been a staple?????????????