Saturday, August 29, 2015

Someone has to tell Ben Carson: A War on What's INSIDE Women is a War on Women

Ben Carson at an August 27th campaign in Little Rock

At a campaign event on the steps of the Arkansas Capitol in Little Rock, the candidate took a shot at leaders who “are always trying to stir up trouble” by driving “wedges” between people.
“They tell you that there’s a war on women,” he said. “There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country.”
emphasis mine.  
So, let's see.  There is no war on women's hearts, livers, lungs, kidneys, intestines, etc. All of the things that are inside women that are also inside men, there is no GOP war on.  Period.  
What does the GOP focus on?  Women's reproductive organs.  The uterus.  The cervix.  The vagina.  The fallopian tubes.  Etc.  All those women things that separate the INSIDES of women from men.  Planned Parenthood even has an interactive photo to show fools like Carson what the insides of a woman look like and a long list of what the insides comprise.  
If there is a war on the INSIDES of women, there is a war on women.  Period.  Biologically, what is inside women is what separate women from men.  It is this biological fact that the GOP wants to control completely and utterly.
So, a war on the vagina?  That's a war on women.
A war on the uterus?  That's a war on women.
A war on the cervix or fallopian tubes?  That's a war on women.
If the GOP is engaging in a war on the insides of women, that is a war on women.  
One would think that a person who has gone to medical school like Carson would know these basic facts.  Is he an idiot?   Does this man have dementia?  What has happened to him that he does not know what is inside women?
Ben Carson is by far, IMHO, one the most uninformed and idiotic candidate on these issues.  His past completely defies the shit coming out of his mouth these days. Is he so desperate to be the Herman Cain of this cycle?  Seems so.
A war on the inside of women is a war on women.  Somebody with some sense needs to tell Ben Carson.  Perhaps his wife or a doctor friend.
when i first heard about this yesterday  i wondered was this guy afflicted with some kind of Savant Syndrome is he a rain man it takes a certain intellect to be a neurosurgeon and a certain absence to make the completely idiotic statements he does that is not who needs to be a leader imagine things he would say to foreign leaders that his party hates on and the epic irony of it all he's their number 2 pick for primary makes me want to holler a whole rack of curse words.

would you not consider the phrase war on to let's say elephants for ivory tusk, big cats and other animals for their skin or something closer to home the open season on Black people all are relative to war being declared on them think about it.