Saturday, August 1, 2015

RWNJ Says Liberals Hate Christians ‘As Much As The Nazis Hated The Jews’ (VIDEO)
Ahh, our favorite crazy evangelical representative from Colorado has done it again. Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed right-wing nutjob John McTernan who predicts the end of America if we continue to allow things like, you know, equality and choice aka freedom.
On the “Pray In Jesus Name” program, McTernan pointed out “there have been tremendous disasters hitting America at the very same time as America is turning from God.”
McTernan says:
“For example, on gay pride day, there have been huge earthquakes. I’m talking about on the very day. Supreme court decisions, pro-abortion, in that hurricanes slamming in, droughts, and things like that. I believe it is God warning America, to stop the course, actually repent.”
 He then says he thinks we have “crossed the line of no return” with the legalization of gay marriage. He then throws in a healthy dose of farcical Christian persecution by saying:
“They hate us as much as the Nazis hated the Jews and they’re acting on it now. This is not live and let live, Chaplain, they want to destroy us.”
Of course, our concentration camps and ovens are in the form of equal protection under the law – the horror! And, in this type of thinking, it is the recognition of human beings as you know, human beings, that is going to cause this guy’s God to punish us all with completely random wrath in the form of severe weather.
Never mind the fact that the earth has had major weather events since the beginning of time. Oh no, it’s not that. It’s totally “teh geys” and abortion. Duh! This makes me wonder what horrific sins were the cause of the tsunami that hit Japan a few years ago, or the earthquakes in Haiti, or the numerous other tragic natural disasters that have happened over the course of history. Apparently, we humans rarely please this dude’s God, whom he also says is super merciful. Because, that makes sense.
Look, hatred really isn’t a “liberal value” – liberals rail against inequality and injustice. There is no major movement of hatred from the left that is looking to “destroy” Christians. That just doesn’t exist.
However, there is a major driving force from the progressive left to recognize everyone as equals with equal rights. The right-wing just can’t stand the fact that their religion, which they can practice freely and is constitutionally protected, no longer trumps the rights of others. That isn’t persecution – that’s equality. Something these guys just can’t stand.
does this bigot realize that those states where nature is exerting her muscle are republican states, why are the evangelicals not calling these disasters acts of God punishing "THEM" FOR ALL THE BLASPHEMING AND GODLESS ACTIVITIES AGAINST OTHERS DENIAL AND RACISM, like they did with Katrina saying that was punishment for planning a homosexual rally.

blissful RWNJ's abound and are infecting the moral fiber of America and blaming the lack of on us.  guess they believe the do nothing but obstruct mantra belongs to them too because according to them they are just trying to protect their right to religious freedom from us except their right of religious is attacking our right to freedom of choice. sad when you don't really understand what you are railing against but you go at it full throttle.

note there's the mention of Nazi they are obsessed with it and i believe is their real point of worship checkout the link it sounds frighteningly too much like today's republican right wing.  remember when you hear any reference to Hitler or Nazi it's no secret where it came from.  are they fooling us with high fives that could really he "HEIL HITLER" gestures of saluting the right wing deity???????