YouTube user TWoN uploaded video of NYPD officers violently arresting a man in East Harlem. The man runs a recycling shop and apparently had words with a customer. Police can be heard asking for his identification and he says he'll show it to them after he locks up his shop.
After locking up one storefront, they surround him as he's trying to lock the second and within seconds at least six NYPD officers can be seen taking him down. The crowd began to swell with onlookers becoming increasingly angry, shouting "police brutality!" and "which one of you good cops is going to stop this?"
The man is definitely taking punches at police while on the ground, but one has to wonder why they couldn't let him finish locking up his shop before moving onto questioning and/or arrest. We'll wait to hear from the NYPD, but from the initial video, it seems that once again, this was needlessly escalated to violence.
Police officers from the NYPD's 25th precinct in East Harlem New York over heard an argument between a shop keeper and a patron. When they approached the shop keeper and asked for his ID, the man informed them that he would provide his identification as soon as he finished "closing up".
While on his way to close the last section of his store, after closing the first section, the shop keeper was grabbed by one of the NYPD officers. When he resisted the officer's attempt to restrain him, another officer can be seen arriving on the scene, immediately grabbing the man by the head, and dragging him down to the ground.
Once on the ground, the man was engaged by 7 officers attempting to handcuff the suspect. As the growing crowd began to verbally protest to the man's apparent assault, an unidentified officer can be seen grabbing his pepper spray, aiming it at the crowd, and threatening to use it on the non-combative audience.
The man is quickly hurled into a waiting police cruiser and driven to the precinct. All the officers involved in the incident disappear from the location in less 30 seconds once he is removed.
The event took place on E 124th and Lexington, in front of the Bottle Recycling Center which is located next to the Rainbow clothing store in East Harlem.
i'm interested in knowing who and why the customer was not approached by police it doesn't mention him/her being questioned so was this automatic assumption the store owner was at fault or was the customer innocent by other means????? does make you go hmmmmmmmmmm?
author says he'll update when there is more i'm tracking really getting old seeing cops with gang buster acts over a Black man on the ground for apparently nothing if i'm wrong i'm first to say so until then same crap different day.