You might remember Governor Mary Fallin from the above quote or maybe the fact that she said the above quote in response to the Oklahoma Supreme Court's ruling to have the Ten Commandments removed from in front of the Oklahoma capitol building. Well, she seems to have a real issue allowing things on public property that do not belong on public property.
The governor told television station KFOR that her daughter moved the trailer onto state property in April while she was between homes. The governor said she would always be available to help her daughter, but that a state zoning regulation barred trailers in areas surrounding the Capitol and a nearby medical center.
She said Christina Fallin hadn't received any special benefit.
Mary Fallin has presided over all kinds of humanitarian outreach to women in Oklahoma. She's extended the time women must wait to have an abortion. This twice-married politician fought for the institution of marriage by denying military personal in same-sex relationships to be able to share their benefits with their loved ones.if it was clear before here it is in our faces screaming "i am here, i am alive and well don't you see me??????????????" and that my friends is the presence of those who take advantage of it's reality "WHITE POLITICAL PRIVILEGE" they get theirs and refuse other of the same consideration you remember like White and colored restrooms and water fountains and waiting rooms. it's real no matter how hard it is for some to admit.