Monday, August 17, 2015

Fox Trots Out MLK’s Conservative Niece To Lecture Black Lives Matter Protesters

Alveda King, the conservative niece of Martin Luther King, lectured #BlackLivesMatter protesters on Fox News: “This disrespect needs to stop right now!”
As usual, Fox focused on demonizing #BlackLivesMatter rather than offering any kind of exploration or serious discussion of what the movement is really about. Instead, Fox reverted to its default Blacks Behaving Badly viewpoint.
KING: Our good friend Sheriff Clarke said the other day, a lot of this is just disruption designed to distract. And if you have enough strife and confusion, people can’t think. They just panic or get swept away.
Stop right there! Anyone who uses “good friend” to describe “Sheriff Clarke” is either ignorant about one of Fox’s favorite African American black attackers or else endorses his race baiting. For example, Clarke said #BlackLivesMatter protesters should “go back into the sewers they came from” and that when President Obama called for calm in Ferguson last year, it was done with “a wink and a nod” because racial strife is part of “his political strategy of divide and conquer.” Clarke has quite a record of other kinds of hate mongering, too.
Not surprisingly, host Neil Cavuto did not question why King – who brands herself as a devout Christian – would be so enamored of a guy like Clarke.
Furthermore, under the cloak of brotherly love, King poked a deliberately hostile stick in the eye of #BlackLivesMatter:
KING: There are real issues impacting America, the whole world... In the midst of the next important election, we need to be able to look at candidates who, whether it’s Governor Bush, Mr. Sanders and we need to really hear what these candidates have to say and so this deafening noise, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ – well, I will dare to say ‘All lives matter.’
Cavuto responded by asking, “What’s the matter with saying ‘All lives matter,’ black lives included?”
Anybody who wanted to would know exactly what’s wrong with saying “All lives matter.” This was what Jon Stewart once aptly described as a “Cavuto mark” of a question.
“All lives do matter so definitely black lives matter, little people’s lives matter, old people’s lives matter, all lives matter. It’s not about skin color,” King said with a sweet tone undoubtedly meant to camouflage her antagonistic intent. She continued, “We’re not allowing people to use their brains. This is just an emotional distraction and it’s absolutely disrespectful, Neil, and it’s wrong.”
Then, as if all that wasn’t bad enough, King used Martin Luther King to attack the #BlackLivesMatter movement under his name.
KING: My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King and my daddy, his brother, Reverend A. D. King, talked about ‘a beloved community’ and in that beloved community, everyone mattered and to just target one specific group and say we are not going to let you say anything else matters except black lives matter, there’s no balance there, it is disrespectful, it is unacceptable, it is distracting. And so I beg America not to be distracted by these tactics but to insist on sanity …This disrespect needs to stop right now.
what rock did they drag her from under and how much did Fox pay out, Dr. King will not be tarnished by her however she better hope the right wing and Fox are nice to her because the only BINO'S who would be are current candidate Carson and Allen West.  all she ended up saying to Americans is Black lives don't matter.  we used to say about people that acted and looked like her "just because you are light and bright and damn near White doesn't make you right".