NEW YORK (Reuters) – Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.
A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate’s empire.
Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.
Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.
The candidate’s foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.
Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.
Trump’s presidential campaign and a lawyer for the businessman declined to comment. The Mar-a-Lago Club could not be reached for comment.
The analysis of Trump’s history of actively importing foreign workers comes as he has emerged as an early front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination in the November 2016 presidential election. Trump has positioned himself as a champion of American workers whose livelihoods are threatened by illegal foreign laborers and the offshoring of U.S. jobs.
“I will be the greatest jobs president that God every created,” he said in announcing his candidacy on June 16. “I will bring back our jobs from China, Mexico and other places. I will bring back jobs and our money.”well caught in the locker room with his pants down. first thing that came to mind after reading last paragraph was that interview with people from New Hampshire and their laying on the praise one lady said he was honest and tells the truth someone needs to find that panel and ask "how you like him now".
he just proved as we all knew he's no different than the rest he's a liar and major embellisher and without any plan on how what comes out of his mouth would get done they hail Caesar and declare him their guy that is dumb they bought a pig in a poke without the lipstick and are on nat'l TV touting the ignorance with which they pick who sits in the big chair, we need to fear republican voters more than the republican politicians they are the ones who set the scourge on America in place
note they were impressed by his wealth great idea put a rich guy in to pass rich guy laws that don't include them except as the alternative to tax funder's of gov't because the no tax and loopholes would not go anywhere and we the people would be the ones responsible for all social programs because they would cripple them and refuse to fund while raising our taxes and lowering our wages. recognize