Some highway billboards are the same wherever you go across this great land of ours: McDonald’s, Target, Walmart. Others are more regional (where is the line at which Carl’s Jr. becomes Hardee’s, anyway?). Some are particular to states, and those road-tripping through Oklahoma will likely see billboards directing them to visit online adult toy shops and to alert law enforcement about any methamphetamine use they come across. And in one small part of the state—the town of Durant, in the southeast corner—visitors and residents may now feast their eyes upon a message against marriage equality.
The plea comes from Betty and Richard Odgaard, an Iowa couple who say they recently closed their wedding business rather than perform same-sex marriages. Iowa legalized same-sex marriage in 2009, but the Odgaards and their Görtz Haus Gallery came under fire in 2013 when they refused to assist two men with their upcoming nuptials, citing their Christian beliefs, The Blaze reports. A small payout from the lawsuit, followed by boycotts and a decline in their accompanying flower and restaurant businesses, led the couple to close their doors at the end of July.
After their wedding business was shuttered, the couple established a nonprofit called God’s Original Design Ministry. They plan to place up to 1,000 anti–gay marriage billboards around the country. God’s Original Design Ministry is listed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means it doesn’t have to pay taxes on the money people send in.
The Odgaards have previously warned that people of similar belief will be unable to run their own businesses as they see fit due to antidiscrimination laws. Their website notes that their billboards “give a voice to the ‘silent majority’ ” who believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Although polling figures showed that 61 percent of Americans supported marriage equality even before the Supreme Court ruling, the billboards—funded entirely by donations—indicate that intolerance is alive and well.
do bigots pacify themselves with invoking God?? why do they never have any guilt or blame why don't they take a minute and ponder maybe God moved those who don't oppose not to patronize haters and blasphemers that billboard implies that God is either in need of help or that it is a signature assuming to know what God wants or thinks is putting yourself in his/her place that my friends is blasphemy and the donors well when you lie down with................