A 25-year-old documentary on Donald Trump that the real estate mogul reportedly tried to quash at the time of its filming now has been revived in light of his presidential bid.
The unauthorized documentary since had been kept under wraps until it was posted for free online last week. What's striking about watching "What's The Deal?" today -- and learning its backstory -- is that so much of what kept The Donald in the headlines in the late '80s still rings true going into the 2016 election.
One of the most ironic discoveries of Trump's not yet two-month-old presidential campaign was the presence of undocumented workers at the site of the future Trump International Hotel at the Old Post Office Pavilion in Washington, D.C. One of the cornerstones of Trump's 2016 campaign has been railing against immigrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.
But as "What's The Deal?" pointed out, Trump had hired a contractor that employed what was known as "the Polish brigade" -- more than 200 undocumented immigrants -- to clear the way for Trump Tower in New York City. (Trump was later sued and denied any knowledge of the undocumented workers, even though his company supervised the demolition.)
he's as deluded as bilo the Fox klown did he not think that his history of undocumented workers would surface or like bilo thinking that people will just go along with his story and lie for him????? bringing back jobs for Americans and in the same sentence saying he's creating jobs for Hispanics his party doesn't want in America except for labor undocumented labor.
so Trump lies big time has a track record and is leading in the republican primary poles only in the right wing does a characterless person devoid of moral fiber become their primary choice but the dark side the party doesn't want him some because of his mouth the more elite because they won't be able to control him.
you think congress and gov't is gridlocked now vote them in and watch the country disappear in a sink hole of republican civil wars, 4 factions all with different agendas too many cooks give you boil overs, conservatives, moderates, libertarians and the most divisive tea people nothing will come out of that kitchen you also have to factor in the Progressive exception to republican laws that do not benefit country or we the people.
trust me there is nothing close to a Barack Hussein Obama on that side of the street so no accomplishments like Pres.'s coming.