National tensions over displays of the Confederate flag boiled over at the South Carolina State House with dueling protests Saturday.
Black Educators for Justice and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) conducted rallies against one another in Columbia, S.C., according to The Charleston Post and Courier.
The dueling demonstrations came against the backdrop of the Confederate battle flag’s removal from state Capitol grounds July 10.
i heard about this before the demonstrations what stuck with me and in me was a referrence by whoever i was hearing i was not looking at the TV but it had to be MSNBC because i only watch them the most although i have stopped watching some shows, but i digress what i heard was in reference to the two groups was this
"KKK and Black Panthers" were meeting on opposite sides of the building when in fact the leader of the "Black Educators for Justice" WAS ONCE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PANTHERS but not now it was intentionally inflammatory and shameful to reference something out of date and reality had they said former i still would feel the same since there is no connection now.
Several dozen KKK members arrived at the South Carolina State House around 3 p.m. Police cordoned off an area for the group so it could display Confederate imagery without interruption.
Black Educators for Justice, meanwhile, drew over 100 members for its own counter-protest.
Demonstrators flying Confederate flags at one point approached their rally, but police quickly separated the conflicting factions.
The State Law Enforcement Division monitored the rally with full force, it added, with agents dressed in tactical gear and additional officers appearing as the crowd swelled in size.wonder who they were ready to protect and why history tells of two different groups with different agendas so who were they ready to protect and why KKK had a few dozen the Black Educators for Justice they went out of the way to say over a hundred intimating Klan may have been outnumbered so again who were they anticipating protecting???
the Panther movement was demonized by Hoovers FBI because they were a defense mechanism against the injustices doled out by such orgs and police, they were all so highly active in communities feeding hungry kids programs designed to lift the community in early 70.
i edited a community newspaper call the "MUINGI PRESS" Swahili for community and togetherness only one edition a young White activist footed the bill. hw was a good guy.
i did a story on them spent time during day when kids were out of school this was not your TV MOVIE OR NEWS AT 11PM or the Panther party your father told you about. the organization they were serious about what the power structure was doing to us and had intelligent people finding legal precedence for some of their acts of right to carry back then,
thank God it was back then today gunfights at OK Corrals all over this country. i almost loss my job at the community school in Adams Mrorgan as a teachers aide from spending so much time on the project.
what would you do in your youth if what was and still is being done to your people with impunity????????? take a stroll through your mind