Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cartoon: The hawks begin to circle

With the Iran agreement in the bag, the hawks are out and on the prowl to tear it down, lest - heaven forbid - words and rational negotiation become recognized as legitimate tools of power. As Winston Churchill said, 'to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.' But what did that guy know?
it comes down to what Americans want not what republican voters are told they want or even if they think they thought it over themselves and decided to go with the war of choice by those who chose the last two.

it breaks down even further voting for republicans is a definite the war mongering constantly reminds us of that. but ask yourself do you have teen age kids are there any in your whole family and how much you love them and how much you love that side of the street that will most assuredly send them off to die???  

for what, money, oil, and more power to lord over the rest of the world.  you've heard them talking about building a military no one would ever challenge sounds like what was going through the minds of Hitler, Genghis Khan, Roman Caesars and so many others click the link below and recognize who would be kings of America.