Tuesday, July 28, 2015

As family waits for answers, add Ralkina Jones to list of black women who have mysteriously died in jail


Ralkina Jones - family provided picture

The family of a Cleveland woman who died mysteriously in a jail cell less than 48 hours after she was arrested is still looking for answers from authorities to explain her death, reports Cleveland.com.
Ralkina Jones, a 37-year-old mother of one was found dead in a Cleveland Heights jail Sunday morning after being arrested for a domestic dispute Friday night.
According to her sister, Renee Ashford, Jones seemed fine when she visited her Saturday night.
“She was perfectly fine. She didn’t complain of nothing, saying she was hurting or anything,” Ashford said. “She was fine, I’d just seen her. Then the next day they called and said she was dead in jail, they checked on her, but they won’t tell us nothing.”
She added, “One thing I can say about my sister is that she would want us to find out why, just why, like you can’t tell me one minute I see my sister and then the next day she’s dead.”
Jones was arrested late night Friday at her ex-husband’s place of work when she attacked him with a tire iron before attempting to hit him with her car.
Upon her arrest, she informed police that she”was being treated for several medical conditions,” explained Cleveland Heights Police Chief Jeffrey Robertson on Monday. According to Robertson, Jones received her prescription medications “as directed.”
According to the Huffington Post, Jones was taken by ambulance to a hospital Saturday night after because jail personnel noted she appeared to be “lethargic.” She was treated and returned to the jail later that evening
Paramedics were summoned after midnight but found that her vital signs were normal and, according Robertson, guards checked on her condition throughout the night before finding her unresponsive at an undisclosed time.
The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s office performed an autopsy on Jones on Monday with spokesman Chris Harris stating there were “no suspicious injuries” to Jones’ body, and that “further studies” were needed to determine a cause of death.
what is happening has open season been expanded to include Black women these are not the teen gang girls these are adults who go into hail and 72 hours later are dead, is this some kind of effort to kill off the Black women and lowering the birth rate that threatens to overcome them and relegating them to minority status????  as ridiculous as that might sound is as mysterious that this is happening and in a serial fashion almost like they all got an email.

there were no alternatives given as to how this happened but it's beginning to create a pattern same people same authority same place of death.  we also don't know what prompted her to do what she allegedly did, not taking a medication could be a reason no mention that family denied meds were an issue or that she overdosed which leaves us with "WHY", will be interesting to hear what an already troubled city by murders of Black people puts out as responsiblity and cause.