Friday, June 26, 2015

SC Republican lawmaker says church shooting victims 'sat in there and waited their turn to be shot'

1st Confederate Republican Flag (Present day)

On Tuesday afternoon, 10 South Carolina state representatives voted no on an amendment to debate—just debate!—removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds (the measure passed 103-10). CNN caught up with one of the 10, Republican State Rep. William Chumley and asked him about his vote. After mumbling and stumbling about "mis-education," listening to his constituents and not letting hate groups dictate his actions, Chumley got to his real reason for wanting that flag to remain:
We're focusing on the wrong thing here. We need to be focusing on the nine families that are left and see that this doesn't happen again. These people sat in there and waited their turn to be shot. That's sad. If somebody in there with a means of self-defense could have stopped this and we'd have less funerals than we're having ... I mean you got one skinny person shooting their gun, you know, I mean, we need to take, do what we can.
And there you have it. The nine victims, murdered by a racist who revered the Confederate flag, just sat there and let themselves be killed because they didn't have the foresight to pack heat for their Bible class. So long may the glorious symbol of oppression and hate wave. Because apparently the victims were just asking for it.
today's whack a mole helping the reach out effort by the republican party not a time for NRA commercials.  i hope this doesn't spur some Black people in those areas to start bringing guns to church it cannot end well either just potentially more deaths and mayhem.  does he think it would have been a different outcome had it been one fat person shooting their gun?????