Friday, June 26, 2015

Rachel Maddow slams GOP for association with racist hate group that inspired Charleston massacre

Rachel Maddow did a great job in illustrating how deeply entrenched the hate group Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) is within the Republican Party. Prominent Republican politicians including presidential candidates like Senator Rand Paul, Governor Scott Walker, and Senator Ted Cruz received contributions from this group. Have you ever wondered why politicians rarely vote for the well-being of the middle-class?
The murders of nine innocent persons in a massacre at the predominantly black Emanuel AME Church by terrorist Dylann Roof shocked the nation. It shocked the Republican Party into action. Their continual pandering, the continuation of the Southern Strategy may be at risk. 
Who would have believed that South Carolina would move as fast as it is moving to remove the scourge that is the confederate flag. Who would have believed that Mississippi is contemplation changing its flag steeped in confederate symbolism. Who would have believed that Walmart would remove all traces of anything confederate from all of their stores.
It should not have taken the murders of nine good persons to effect these changes. It was just a matter of time before the rhetoric by Right Wing politicians, Fox News,  and their hate groups would be the likely cause of violent fatalities from the weak minded.
they cry foul when referred to as racist and haters but the spew the rhetoric they walk in that lane they are indoctrinating their children in the same ideological manner, than somebody digs a little deeper, pulls back the sheet, something as simple as check the internet and there it is a veritable cornucopia of who took what from who and what they espouse.  there is a list of such things naming names of those who pal around with those they claim to oppose and when you exchange envelopes there is a give and take no doubt.

these latest acts of IMO false contrition are no more than necessity they realize not enough haters to carry them over the line so they have to try and make nice with those they have hated on forever in hopes of getting across that line but every time they make those disingenuous gestures up pops a whack a mole and reinforces the reality that they have not changed their spots they just got bigger and easier to see.  

it's their inbred nature to discriminate i don't know from some sense of insecurity of self if you demean and belittle enough you feed that insecurity and it makes you feel better about yourself but only for a minute than that cursed subconscious kicks in and you recognize you are the same insecure SOB you were when you started to demoralize another.