Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pat Boone lectures Obama on understanding and sympathy ... of Dylann Roof's racial fear

We are beginning to see more and more states and officials begin to come to their senses on openly displaying the Traitor Flag on public property. You start thinking that people like Dylann Roof, who believes that black men are inherently dangerous and that something needs to be done about them, is more of an extreme and fringy position. That's when someone like Pat Boone walks in the front door and poops something like this out on your brand-new area rug.
“As the president who came to office, a black man promising to bring people together, a man ideally suited for that job since you were born both black and white, you had a God-given chance to actually proclaim and demonstrate that racial divides and prejudice had greatly diminished and that our society was truly becoming colorblind,” the former pop singer complained.
“At no time do I recall your mentioning the far greater instances of ‘black on black’ crimes, the high percentage of crimes of all types committed annually by blacks, or the senseless looting and violence that follows the inflamed ‘protests’ after one of the above-mentioned incidents,” Boone said. “Strange that you, our half-white president, have little to say about these things.”
I'm sure it would shock Mr. Boone nearly to death to learn that President Obama has not only spoken about so-called Black-on-Black crime, he's been doing something about it with his My Brother's Keeper Initiative, that the MBK Task Force has already issued a 1st Year Progress Report (PDF) and that one of the things he said during his talk with Marc Maron besides the unvarnished "N-Word" was that community leaders in cities such as Baltimore following the unrest had coordinated with the MBK Initiative to work out a set of solutions to the exact problem that Boone says the president "hasn't even mentioned."
 i remember this guy and his white shoes back in the late 50's with a variety show on TV.  we hear about how Blacks expected the racial strife to end when Pres. was elected looks like Whites thought so too that said could the reason it didn't happen was because they never gave him a foot in the door, the last thing they wanted aside from him in the WH was for more Black people to rise up and get out of their money making poverty plan they need us their we are their cash cow second only to big business money.

short answer they don't have a clue what, when or how because of two reasons abandonment and ignoring the existence except when it was profitable to them which never translated to profitable for those neighborhoods.  their is only one explanation for this guy's massacre racist ignorance.  and for Boone not to acknowledge but instead harping on right wing myths of the Black dynamic makes him equally complicit in promoting that kind of ignorance.   speaking out in a radical rant emphafisizes your lack of inteeligence especially when you don't bother to fact check hey but you remember republicans one said "We Will Not 'Be Dictated By Fact-Checkers", and he wanted to be president twice.  shows their propensity to chose deception over truth.  ok a failed at short again+o)