Friday, June 26, 2015

Cartoon: The Gospel of Denial

Now that Pope Francis has come out on the side of acknowledging human-caused global warming, Republican presidential contenders are suddenly on the side of "science" not religion. Where does this pope guy get off on mixing religion and politics, sheesh!  
Thanks to the pope, it’s becoming more difficult to cast yourself on the side of the angels and the oil companies at the same time. Never mind that human-caused global warming is established science, political contributions from the oil and gas industry are waaaay more important than saving the world. And it’s not just the Republican candidates, a surprising number of regular ol’ Republican people are still buying into the "hoax" line fed to them by big oil and politicians.
Let’s hope Pope Francis and the Catholic Church (not known for being wild-eyed commie environmentalists like 97% of those climate scientists) can help bring some sanity, morality and actual science to the global warming battle. Be sure to dive into the links behind the cartoon, comment, like and share!
with so much truth boiling up from the republican cauldron it's hard to recognize it as it's such a rarity we know the truths we just don't catch it right away because it comes indirectly from the right wing not intentional but by some vehicle of their own, a whack a mole popping up with contradiction to latest Kumbaya hoax of reaching out and after centuries of discrimination fuhgeddaboudit, rebuking by the numbers and one will get a striking of conscious and just let it out.  they are heavily vested in big oil it's one of their big big benefactors they even give them subsidies aka corporate welfare and no one is trying to snatch it from under them.