Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We're Number 1! Arizona reaches another milestone of hate

i am not America bashing i'm RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN BASHING make no mistake with this Pres. had the cooperated at least one third of the time more than half of our problems would never have existed.  that is why i stay in their grille they are hurting us and we keep letting them. wake up everybody.

Today the Arizona legislature did what no other state in the nation has been mean-spirited enough to do: they cut lifetime welfare benefits to one year for everyone — adults and children, the physically and mentally disabled. Most states have a five-year limit, while thirteen others impose a two-year cutoff. Texas (of course) has a flexible limit that can be as short as one year, but even children are exempt in the Lone Star State. Not so for Arizona! We're Number 1!
As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program when the budget year begins in July.
No doubt you'll continue to hear from the Cato Institute, Rush Limbaugh and other goonballs that lazy moochers sit at home because welfare pays more than work, but Arizona's payments were never generous to begin with, a whopping $275 per month for a two-person household. Now even that will be gone in a couple months for thousands of people — and as many as 300,000 total if legislators follow through with all their planned cuts to welfare, Medicaid and ACA.
The far-right fundies, who absolutely control Arizona's legislature, made the usual unproven arguments before voting to cut vulnerable families off at the knees:
"I tell my kids all the time that the decisions we make have rewards or consequences, and if I don't ever let them face those consequences they can't get back on the path to rewards," Republican Sen. Kelli Ward of Lake Havasu City said during debate on the budget. "As a society we are encouraging people at times to make poor decisions and then we reward them."
Rewarding poor decisions. Oh, you mean like Wall Street banksters?
Sen. Ward is widely considered to be the front-runner to challenge John McCain in the 2016 GOP senate primary, so here's her chance to earn points with the fringiest fringe of the party, which is leading the challenge. She's on a roll, having traveled to Cliven Bundy's compound of crazy last year to get her picture taken with the criminal coot. Then last week she appeared at a "Liberty on Tap" event where Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes said Sen. McCain should be "hung by the neck until dead." Sen. Ward said nothing and the crowd cheered. (Ward still refuses to condemn Rhodes, who recently appeared with her at "Freedom Fest" in Kingman.)
So is it any surprise this cruel excuse for a human being is leading the charge to throw needy families off welfare? I guess when you begin by kicking 500,000 low-income people off Medicaid, with hopes of eliminating Obamacare for thousands more, curtailing welfare is just the next step toward making Arizona the Somalia of America.
"This is a very small investment, but it is critical to people who need it the most," [Dem. Rep. Andy] Sherwood said. "You're talking about desperate families, those who are unemployed and underemployed. Single mothers and parents with kids."

America the greatest country in the world just sunk a few more degrees not from climate change this time but by the sheer apathy of those religious majorities is mind boggling not so much for the evangelical cult that is right up their alley but Catholics and Mormons who platform on helping others where's the noise????  this is what happens when the republicans get their way and send bills back to the state because "the state knows better what it's people need".  check link out scroll down to religion section.

as of two years ago we were not number 1 but 17th in healthcare and republicans are still trying to keep us there. last year it was 44th sounds like the republican party of "hell no you can't is winning.

if you are interested in the American exceptionalism buckle your seat belt here comes the boom.