Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The internet is outraged about this 'racist' interview with Ted Cruz


The internet is outraged about this 'racist' interview with Ted Cruz

Mark Halperin, the managing editor of Bloomberg Politics, has been accused of cultural insensitivity for pushing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to prove his Hispanic identity in an interview — with questions about the presidential candidate's favorite Cuban dish, Cuban music, and a challenge for Cruz to speak Spanish.
Halperin's April 30 interview of Cruz was thrust into the spotlight after syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette published a piece reacting to the exchange.
In his column, Navarrette took Halperin to task for "bad journalism, bad form, and bad manners."
"You crossed the line," Navarrette wrote this weekend in his column, adding "I was actually nauseated."
Halperin issued a statement of apology on Monday, saying "in no way was I asking Senator Cruz to 'prove' he was an 'authentic' Latino. I apologize to those that were offended, and to Senator Cruz. I promise that I will work to make the tone and questions better next time."
Later on Monday, Cruz said he appreciated Halperin's apology and called the TV host a "serious and fair-minded journalist," in a Facebook post. 
The interview took place a day after Cruz spoke at the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Halperin asked his guest, who appeared via satellite, "Your last name is Cruz and you're from Texas. Just based on that, should you have appeal to Hispanic voters?"
Cruz delivered a long-winded response, explaining "my family story, my personal experience is an experience that resonates in the Hispanic community."
Afterward, Halperin focused his questions on the details of Cruz's Hispanic heritage.
"People are really interested in you and your identity. So I just want to ask you as a historical matter, when you filled out your application to Princeton, to Harvard Law School, did you list yourself as an Hispanic?" Halperin asked.
Cruz responded, "Oh sure: I've listed myself as Cuban-American. That's my heritage and my background."
The host went on to pepper Cruz with a series of questions.
"You have a favorite Cuban food or Cuban dish?" he asked.
Cruz responded, "Oh, I grew up eating Cuban food all the time."
But Halperin pressed him: "What's your favorite dish?"
"Picadillo, I grew up eating all the time. We had plantains we had beans and rice. For Christmas we would have, we would roast a whole pig a lot of years for Christmas Eve and so my grandparents, my abuelo and abuela, they didn't speak English. My abuela was an incredible cook," he said.
"Do you like Cuban music? Do you have a favorite Cuban singer?" Halperin continued.
"I have to admit, in that I'm much more of a Texan. I tend to listen to country music more than Cuban music," the Republican answered.
Halperin closed the interview by giving Cruz a chance to "welcome" Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) into the presidential race. However, Halperin asked Cruz to speak to Sanders in Spanish.
"I'd like you to do it, if you would, en Español," Halperin said.
Cruz declined the offer.
"I'm going to stick to English but I appreciate the invitation Señor," Cruz replied.
okay i know we can all recognize the hypocrisy of the Cruz position and his knight to the
rescue Ruben Navarrette,  if you are seeking to get majority vote from any group especially if you are part of that group you jump on the opportunity to show your bona fides like a lion of a pork chop instead Cruz comes off as a "i don't know anything about my people or tradition or culture but he says he knows the good ol boyz singers  that came off like "i'm one of you but i tend to lean more to the right wing establishment",  not good when you say you are more a part of that culture that hates your peoples guts and don't want them anywhere near the border with threats of shooting and electrocuting.  heck of a job there Teddy/s

Cruz sounded like he was picking answers from something he read more than experience and his party for years and still is in the birther zone and accused Pres. of not being an American and everything else that makes one not like them, so honest questions about his background not accusations and they get their panties all in a bunch, and who is this internet that's outraged this guy is not beloved he's a republican he votes with them , he shut the gov't down get a grip.  ask your friends and family if they are upset that Cruz couldn't answer questions about his heritage was he trying to show the right wing he's more like them or was he just ignorant of who he is???  perfect for republicans -10 for president.

Halperin well he did the right thing it's months till election if he came off as an attacker he would not get those republican interviews.