Thursday, May 14, 2015

Open Thread: Both. Sides. Don't.

Open Thread:  Both.  Sides.  Don't.

As many of you know, there's a campaign to remove "both sides" from the pundit class lexicon, because the words "both sides" almost always mean the speaker is giving a conservative an out for his or her malicious policies, crazy conspiracy theories, or general wrongness.
A humorous fictional example:
The House GOP cuts Amtrak funding the day after a horrific fatal accident on the rail. What are the first three words Cokie Roberts/Mark Halperin/Chuck Todd says?
"But both sides...."
that explanation of what republicans really are doing with their "both sides do it"  crap is exactly what i've tried to say when referring to that buzz phrase but never was able to phrase it so correctly thank you.  down to business they have to learn just because they refuse to table something or give their over inflated excuse,  why not does not make it the right thing to do when it hurts the people and the country common sense compassion dictates you scrap it and push it off the table,  republicans as usual their thinking is azzbackwards and they see it as a must do but only after looking for the benefits their party or benefactors would get, funny they don't look at that from we thepeoples perspective when dropping the bomb on us.

Roberts no mystery there, Halperin i always am on the fence about him but Todd he's giving us more that appears he has either gone right because of higher up right wing influence or was he always that way but presented a more even tone when NBC was leaning a little left before deciding to be Fox's illegitimate cousins.  either way he does his image no good.

bottom line they care more about finding dirt they created on Dems with millions spent in witch hunts and war then the country or we the people.  time to dump the dead weight of indifference Nov. 4th 2016  if you care be there.