Friday, May 15, 2015

Ted Nugent: "The Big Lie About Guns Is That Innocent Kids Are Being Gunned Down Or Are Accidentally Shooting Each Other"

National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent attacked President Obama and gun safety advocates for calling attention to the deaths of children from guns, calling such efforts "The Big Lie" -- a phrase associated with Nazi propaganda.
Gun accidents and homicides involving children happen far more frequently in the United States than in other affluent nations.
In a May 13 column posted on conspiracy website WND (World Net Daily), Nugent wrote, "The Big Lie about guns is that innocent kids are being gunned down or are accidentally shooting each other."
Arguing that "very few kids under the age of 10 die or are injured as a result of gun-related accidents," Nugent wrote, "The vast majority of teenagers who die as a result of guns are involved in gangs. They are punks, thugs and street rats who have dropped out of school and let out of their cages over and over again by a so-called 'justice system' gone bad."
Hitler first wrote about "the big lie" in Mein Kampf. The Nazi leader accused Jews of telling "the big lie" to corrupt "the broad masses," who he claimed "more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie." The phrase is also associated with tactics used by chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
It's hard to argue that accidental gun deaths involving children are not worth calling attention to, let alone that covering such tragedies is comparable to Nazi-style propaganda. And it is no surprise that accidental shootings involving children receive widespread media coverage, given how shocking and senseless they are.
According to a project of Everytown for Gun Safety, there have been at least 88 incidents just this year "in which a child 17 or under fired a gun unintentionally and someone was harmed as a result." In 2013, the group documented at least 100 accidental shooting deaths of children aged 14 or younger. A Mother Jones report that examined the same time period found 84 fatal gun accidents involving children aged 12 and under, 64 of which involved a child pulling the trigger, killing themselves or someone else, which debunks Nugent's claim that children are not "accidentally shooting each other."

NRA must be losing members like the republican party and need to stir the troughs of hate for their base to feed on but if it's true and they are losing members they aren't going to get new ones to speak of and those remaining are going to be their only cult members.  a racist draft dodging anti American SOB is no longer a good poster boy for recruiting Americans.  associating yourself with this lunatic won't work for republican hopefuls.  let's see who still embraces him so you know who not to vote for.

if you read between the lines the NRA and those that support them (republicans) are disrespecting not only those kids that lost their life from friendly fire as well as criminal but their parents right to grieve as well because they say it's a lie, but there are empty bedrooms and school seats all over the country chew on that hateful deniers.