Thursday, May 14, 2015

College Student to Jeb Bush: "Your Brother Created ISIS"

Jeb Bush - Mission Accomplice

From The New York Times:
Mr. Bush, the former governor of Florida, had just concluded a town-hall-style meeting when Ms. (Ivy) Ziedrich demanded to be heard. “Governor Bush,” she shouted as audience members asked him for his autograph. “Would you take a student question?”
Mr. Bush whirled around and looked at Ms. Ziedrich, who identified herself as a political science major and a college Democrat at the University of Nevada.
She had heard Mr. Bush argue, a few moments before, that America’s retreat from the Middle East under President Obama had contributed to the growing power of the Islamic State. She told the former governor that he was wrong, and made the case that blame lay with the decision by the administration of his brother George W. Bush to disband the Iraqi Army.
“It was when 30,000 individuals who were part of the Iraqi military were forced out — they had no employment, they had no income, and they were left with access to all of the same arms and weapons,” Ms. Ziedrich said.
She added: “Your brother created ISIS.”
Then Ms. Ziedrich asked: “Why are you saying that ISIS was created by us not having a presence in the Middle East when it’s pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism? Why are you spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars?”
BOOYAH!!! THIS IS SOMETHING THAT'S BEEN MISSING FOR AWHILE OUR YOUNG PEOPLE STANDING AND BEING COUNTED IN THE FACE OF RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN MISLEADING INFORMATION.  we need to get back that sense of indignation that these persons would dare to keep trying to sell us their same old song,  we no longer have record players or 8 tracks.  to continue blaming Pres. for a deal W made before he left is just more of the same from the party of stupid more of the same crap.
Jebya responded with some B.S. about "respectfully disagreeing", and claiming President Obama could have signed an agreement that would have kept 10,000 troops in Iraq. Sorry, Jeb, but that "agreement" failed because Iraq refused to give U.S. troops prosecutorial immunity. Are you saying we should have kept them there anyway? Not even your brother Dumbya would have gone for that.
things like this just go to show they have know idea about foreign policy if they don't know it's history are they not destined to repeat the same ignorance.  we are still waiting for some sign of governing ability 51/2 months later, what happened to all that day one agenda are they getting in their own way???????, yep