Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chuck Todd had to be schooled again, this time by Martin O'Malley
Once again Chuck Todd showed how gullible he is to Right Wing manipulation. Luckily, likely Democratic Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley would have none of it. It started innocently enough.
"I want you to respond to something that Speaker Boehner said to me about blame when it comes to America's inner cities," Chuck Todd said. "Let's take a listen."
He then played a clip from Speaker John Boehner. "Chuck, what we have here," Speaker Boehner said. "is 50 years of liberal policies that have not worked to help the very people that we want to help." That comment is to be expected from any Republican as their Ayn Rand ideology dictates policies lacking in social assistance.
Chuck Todd then referenced the Washington Post article titled "Why couldn’t $130 million transform one of Baltimore’s poorest places?" He must have forgotten that many times editors give stories titles that have very little to do with the conclusions the article would come to. He must not have read the article. "A hundred million dollars was poured into this community over the last 20 years," Todd said. "Are we not spending the money correctly? What are we getting wrong here? Money has been there."
Martin O'Malley would have none of it. "Chuck that's just not true," Martin O'Malley said. "We haven't had an agenda for America's cities for at least two decades."
Chuck Todd snapped back with a simplistically silly statement. "So we've had money but no agenda."
Martin O'Malley went on to state that there has not been an agenda for cities since Democratic President Jimmy Carter. He pointed out that even with limited support because of the dedication and innovation of mayors, cities are actually coming back. He pointed out that the failure to invest in infrastructure, the off-shoring of American jobs, and the basic lack of investment was the problem. Most importantly he pointed out that the $130 million over 20 years Chuck Todd speaks about is a spit in a bucket.
is he allowing these right wing misleads hang out there by order of the new bosses of NBC the ones who decided it was better for ??? if they drop most of the liberal leaning to embrace the right wing republican misinformation agenda, i've said before if the idea was to compete with Fox for cable ratings then they need to get in the dirt box too, make up stories,  promote deception, in essence screw the people's right to know the truth and just serve up what sounds the most sensational because fickle Americans will rubberneck like they are passing the most horrendous accident they've ever seen, we get our boost from others deflating their life bubble.
Had Chuck Todd read the article he would have understood the following.
The effort to revive Sandtown was massive. More than 1,000 homes were eventually renovated or built. Schools were bolstered. Education and health services were launched. 
The most significant problem, according to community organizers and the Enterprise report, was that new businesses and jobs never materialized. And as Baltimore’s decent-paying manufacturing jobs vanished — a problem shared by Detroit, Cleveland and other Rust Belt cities — there were fewer and fewer opportunities for Sandtown residents to find meaningful work.
In the absence of jobs, the drug trade flourished.
the reality of truths that are not the object of right wing point at and the resistance to recognize and admit responsibility when they had the power the money but didn't have the desire or inclination to do anything about it.  superficial meetings and misdirected acts that were never intended to do what was needed or what they said it would giving them later the opportunity to say they didn't work and we are throwing money at a problem that these people don't deserve because they'll just create more problems for America, buzz phrase for right wing republican agenda.