Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bush loyalist: Jeb 'misheard' question about invading Iraq


U.S. President George W. Bush (R) and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, REUTERS/Jim Young

Asked "Knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion" of Iraq, Jeb Bush answered "I would," and what's more, that "if they’re trying to find places where there’s big space between me and my brother, this might not be one of those." Clearly saying that you'd have invaded Iraq knowing what a flimsy set of, uh, careful misrepresentations the George W. Bush administration built its case for war on is a political loser of an answer, so theories abound that Bush didn't mean what he said or didn't hear the question. His former aide Ana Navarro went on CNN Tuesday morning to make that claim:
"I emailed him this morning and I said to him, 'Hey, I'm a little confused by this answer so I'm genuinely wondering did you mishear the question?'" Navarro said. "And he said, 'Yes, I misheard the question.'"
In other words, he didn't hear the "Knowing what we know now" part. Which is interesting, since video shows interviewer Megyn Kelly speaking those words clearly and firmly, then pausing briefly. We'll see if Bush himself has the nerve to come out with the "I didn't hear the question and that's why I said something politically damaging" defense, but if he does ... well, bullshit. Kelly did not mumble, she did not slur, her tone and pacing signaled "this right here is the important part of the question." 
The only way Bush "didn't hear" her is if, when he heard the intro to the question was about Iraq, his brain shut down its connection to his ears in a frantic attempt to remember what his talking point on this subject was. That's not "didn't hear," that's "didn't listen." And seriously, why would anyone even bother asking Bush if he would have authorized the Iraq war knowing only his brother's case for invasion? Talk about questions with answers we already know.

my first question will they blame Fox darling Megyn Kelly for asking te question that further showsn why mama Bush knew best when she told him not to run?  he has been defending the war criminal since he became one and now just because the few on the right refuse to call him what he is not the decider but the deceptor, does he forget the circumstances that brought about the downward spiral of the country or does he just hope we have?  

saying their is no light between him and big bro only makes those who do remember run away in fear of a repeat he basically said he's a carbon copy,  i still think he realizes he is not ready for anything and is trying to sabotage his own candidacy, why else would he say such corrosive things even if he is honest in his bro love he or his people had to know the W left office with a 22% rating that was the right wing base only.