Monday, May 18, 2015

Brit Hume Attacks Obama's Criticism Of Fox While Continuing Their Poor-Shaming

You've got to hand it to these talking heads over on Faux "news." They're able to lie with a straight face to their audience about what that same audience likely watches day after day, and week after week on their network when it comes to their race baiting and shaming of anyone in the United States who is unfortunate enough to be living in poverty, while simultaneously making excuses for their poor-shaming and attacking the President of the United States for calling them out for it.
That's exactly what the audience was treated to on this Sunday's Media Buzz on Fox, where host Howard Kurtz and his guest Brit Hume continued the network's week-long whine-fest over President Obama's remarks about how Fox constantly berates those living in poverty as lazy, just wanting to live off of the government dole and proud of it.
KURTZ: That brings me to that odd phraseology where President Obama says he wants a different kind of reporting so he can change the minds of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. What does that say to you?
HUME: Well, first of all, a big part of the job of a president is to find a way to work with people who disagree with him and try to get something done. He's especially bad at this.
But I think it's... I also think that he has a particular viewpoint on these issues where you never hear him suggest that the people who live in these terrible conditions are in any way responsible for that by the choices they make.
Isn't it amazing how it's President Obama's job to reach out to those who disagree with him, but that same standard has never been applied to Republican members of Congress? And Hume of course ignores that fact that the Kenyan usurper passed a Republican health care plan that all of them should have loved but didn't for some strange reason and the fact that President Obama has reached out, to a fault, to Republicans only to be met with the back of their hand.
they have been pushing the ELEPHANT DUNG (ED) every since they first planned to obstruct and do nothing to help Pres.that he needs to cozy up to congress invite them over have a beer with Mitch McConnell take them out to dinner, he's not trying to sleep with them and why do they need to be coax to do the job they haven't done for going on 7 years are they kindergartner's should he burp them and change their diapers after that steak???  i never heard any push back anywhere when they made that ludicrous statement like elected politicians need to be coddled so they feel more like doing what they were elected for,  more for the min. 174,000.00 a year for doing nothing but support big business instead of their constituents.