Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has already developed an Obamacare "replacement" plan that replaces the individual mandate with, well, a mandate. Now Hatch has another brilliant idea: replace the tax credits people get which subsidizes the purchase of insurance on the exchange with—tax credits!
Two front-running Republican options at an early stage in Congress include a refundable tax credit that experts say is virtually the same thing as the Obamacare tax subsidy being challenged before the Supreme Court. Republicans deny that their ideas are tantamount to "Obamacare Lite" but acknowledge they will need bipartisan support for their plans to stand any chance of avoiding an Obama veto.
"It's not going to be like Obamacare, in my opinion," said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, whose plan includes a refundable tax credit for low-and middle-income Americans.
"It's not a literal subsidy, it's a recognition that they should have this credit."
my friends you have just witnessed the republican autopsy explanation they don't need to change their/Pres.'s values they just need to lie about it better given that it would seem with years of demeaning and misleading they have come to the conclusion that ObamCares is the best plan theyjust need to change a couple of words to make it theirs, did they fool you??? in this cae instead of doing his homework on his plagiarized plan he should have looked up the meaning of literal.