Oh, my goodness. Anti-marriage-equality idiocy may have reached its highest, most distilled form with this one. Brace yourself:
In a nutshell: A reduction in the opposite-sex marriage rate means an increase in the percentage of women who are unmarried and who, according to all available data, have much higher abortion rates than married women. And based on past experience, institutionalizing same-sex marriage poses an enormous risk of reduced opposite-sex marriage rates.
That's appellate attorney Gene Schaerr writing at the Daily Signal, if you want to dig up the link for yourself. I just ... I don't even know what to do with this. Marriage equality means more abortions? Because marriage equality undermines opposite-sex marriage and if there are more unmarried straight women there are more abortions?
There's a lot going on with marriage rates in the U.S.—class and education levels are a huge factor in whether people will marry—and Schaerr is interested in none of it. Save that he believes that my neighbor being able to marry will make me less likely to marry for some obscure reason, and then I will begin aborting away. Just like that:
In short, forcing states to convert the traditional gendered marriage institution into a genderless institution will very likely reduce man-woman marriages by undermining some of the norms that encourage heterosexual couples to marry, which will in turn increase the number of unmarried women and, hence, the number of children aborted.
i know that not all who embrace right wing nonsense are really as stupid as those who speak for them, or should i say relegates them to the party of stupidest slot of those who can't think for themselves. and it suggest that those alleged unmarried women would automatically turn in to some kind of insatiable nymphomaniacs men well we know the expression dawgs will be dawgs, and those ladies getting knocked up on a daily basis this is just another assessment of women by those who are soldiers in the war against women you know like their grandma's, moms, aunts, sisters, wives, girlfriends.