Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yesterday, House Democrats saved Amtrak ... proving again that they're the only ones governing

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during news conference on President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law on Capitol Hill in Washington June 28, 2012. Nearly three years after he died, Pelosi was thinking of Senator Ted Kennedy and

"You're welcome, John."
It was lost in Wednesday's shuffle of Supreme Court arguments, Senate Republicans' failure to override President Obama's veto of the Keystone XL bill, and the latest appalling revelations out of Ferguson, but once again, Democrats were the grown-ups in the House:
In a rare bipartisan vote, the House today approved an Amtrak funding bill that will keep the trains running for another four years ...
The Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act passed on a vote of 316 to 101 (132 Republicans joined 184 Democrats in voting for the bill; 101 Republicans voted against). [...]
Just before the bill passed, a GOP amendment to eliminate all federal subsidies for Amtrak failed on a vote of 147 to 272.
And had that amendment passed?
If it had passed and was later upheld by the Senate, that could effectively have killed national passenger rail service.
the republican's problem is the same one they have had for going on 7 years, PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA,  they are so consumed with doing him harm they can think of nothing else governing, jobs, poor, elderly well Iran war mongering takes a good second place.  

the anal retentiveness of the entire party has kept them drowning in their own elephant dung they can do nothing or say nothing without getting a dig in on Pres. listen to them they will hind a way to insert him as the reason why for everything.  they hold or security hostage to get their way than want to say it's Pres.'s fault if the gov't shuts down.  note when there is something really damaging to you or the country it a republican plan.  Dems giveth, republicans taketh