Tuesday, March 10, 2015

UCLA student council engages in anti-Semitic interrogation of Jewish student


Powell Library at UCLA

has higher learning become all about racism, bigotry, discrimination and separatism?
It seemed like routine business for the student council at the University of California, Los Angeles: confirming the nomination of Rachel Beyda, a second-year economics major who wants to be a lawyer someday, to the council's Judicial Board.
Until it came time for questions.
"Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community," Fabienne Roth, a member of the Undergraduate Students Association Council, began, looking at Ms. Beyda at the other end of the room, "how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?"
For the next 40 minutes, after Ms. Beyda was dispatched from the room, the council tangled in a debate about whether her faith and affiliation with Jewish organizations, including her sorority and Hillel, a popular student group, meant she would be biased in dealing with sensitive governance questions that come before the board, which is the campus equivalent of the Supreme Court.
Even though one of Beyda's inquisitors said he could "see that she's qualified for sure," he and the council rejected her application on a 4-4 vote. The board only reversed course after a faculty adviser, Debra Geller, admonished them.
The four students who interrogated Beyda—Sofia Moreno Haq, Negeen Sadeghi-Movahed, Manjot Singh, and Fabienne Roth—later released an apology, saying their "intentions" were "never to attack, insult or delegitimize the identity of an individual or people." Roth added, "I deeply regret how I phrased my questions to Rachel."
In both a memo from the university's chancellor, Gene Block, and a letter to the editor from the school's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, UCLA's leadership did not describe Beyda's treatment as anti-Semitic. Block instead called the incident a "teaching moment."
i can see why they asked these questions while i'm not sure of the ethnicity of the inquisitors which i think is pertinent to their obvious bigotry.   it sounds as though they wanted to be assured that she would not bring her faith into the council maybe interfering with theirs, IMO they were doing exactly what they were insinuating she would do.  that sends chills up my spine at how remarkably verbatim that is in respect to republican interrogations such as the more than qualified  Mrs. Lynch as new AG as they have with other Democratic picks, 

that is designed to keep the power that is in their yard so they can exploit us well look at the right wing majority in the scotus and what they have done and could possibly be on the brink of doing now and each time it effects millions of taxpaying American citizens those on the other side of the right wing and those on the right wing that don't have 8 figure bank accts. or are on food stamps.  bigotry at work on another college campus, (Oklahoma?)