Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tom Cotton, sociopath, believes we should be led by male elites like him

Tom Cotton's smile - Cotton in January 2014 at the Gillett Coon Supper, an annual Arkansas scholarhsip event that features raccoon entrees -AP

The dead eyes, the lack of personality, his lack of judgement when it comes to how others will view his actions, an utter lack of empathy for other human beings and an overweening ambition that developed early - all point to Tom Cotton as a man to be watched very carefully.
Even though, at age 37, he's the youngest senator in Washington, Red State calls him "the most powerful man in Washington."
An in depth, well researched article in the September, 2014 edition of The Atlantic traces Cotton from a childhood where he didn't speak until he was three years old and had a long lasting, severe speech impediment, through his college years and his thesis that sought to prove that only extremely ambitious males should rule, all the way to his nascent political career and important votes that reveal a troubling mind set.
Cotton's college thesis reveals his scorn for average Americans.
Cotton insists that the Founders were wise not to put too much faith in democracy, because people are inherently selfish, narrow-minded, and impulsive. He defends the idea that the country must be led by a class of intellectually superior officeholders whose ambition sets them above other men... he derides the Federalists’ modern critics as mushy-headed and naive.
“Ambition characterizes and distinguishes national officeholders from other kinds of human beings,” Cotton wrote. “Inflammatory passion and selfish interest characterizes most men, whereas ambition characterizes men who pursue and hold national office. Such men rise from the people through a process of self-selection since politics is a dirty business that discourages all but the most ambitious.”
why aren't the republicans sounding the horns and buying all TV space to announce their second coming this guy is perfect for the republican party he's expressed extremely far right ideals that i have not heard before he is out Cruzing Cruz they should run them as pres and vp who's who looks like the really scary serial something guy would get the first nod.  if there was ever a reason to get off our butts and vote and spread the word it's now.  with these ideas this guy is dangerous and crazed the more the better his chance is to move up in the republican party.  2016 just around the bend it's up to us what awaits us when we get around that bend