Monday, March 9, 2015

Senate GOP seeks to divide Dems

oh great another old idea from the republicans the old divide and conquer trick,  the article is full of examples of why the gov't does not work and also who are the principles in that dynamic.
Senate Republicans are desperate to show they can govern after they largely wasted February haggling over a DHS funding bill without winning any of the concessions they hoped for on immigration.
After battling among themselves for weeks, Republicans now want to put Democrats on the defensive by pushing issues that split Democratic centrists and liberals.
“We’re definitely moving to offense. We’re hoping the Democrats want to work with us on some of those issues, but like usual we’re not holding our breath on that,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the third-ranking member of the Senate GOP leadership.
Senate Republicans are also moving to patch up relations with the House, with key committee chairmen holding joint meetings again after much of that activity was frozen during the DHS battle.
Senate Democrats last week accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) of turning a bipartisan Iran bill into a wedge issue by pushing it onto the floor before the administration had completed its negotiations with the Iranian government over its nuclear program.
again interfering in the Iran talks pushing a vote before there's anything to vote on nowhere but republican hives can that even be a plan it is to blow up the tracks ahead to derail the diplomacy at work.  this is where we can be thwarted because of disloyal to the party DINO's why would you run for a seat in a red state if you're a Progressive and get there and go all right wing.  republicans know these SOB's will generally vote with them but it's time to get some sense of patriotism and vote for what is right for the people not the right wing war machine.

please read article gives you a look at how the politics in this country are what is ruining the country, if both sides are supposed to have country and people at the top of to do list why is one side trying to tear it all apart?  if both want the best and have their own ideas how to get there should those ideas at least mention people and country and not the will of a foreign politician of the same affiliation "RIGHT WING"?  c'mom, who's zoomin' who?