Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz to 3-year-old girl: 'Your world is on fire'


Yes, your world is on fire. (YouTube)

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was interrupted during a speech in New Hampshire over the weekend by an unlikely heckler: a 3-year-old girl.
Cruz, who was in the Granite State testing the waters ahead of a possible 2016 presidential run, was criticizing President Barack Obama's foreign policy before a group of Republicans in Barrington when the girl — seated on her mother's lap in the front row — spoke up.
“The Obama economy is a disaster, Obamacare is a train wreck and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind — the whole world is on fire,” Cruz said.
“The world is on fire?” the girl, later identified as Julia, asked the Texas Republican, according to the Concord (N.H.) Monitor.
“The world is on fire, yes,” Cruz said, turning to the girl. “Your world is on fire."
 The exchange drew laughs from the crowd.
"But you know what?" Cruz continued. "Your mommy’s here and everyone’s here to make sure that the world you grow up in is even better." 
Julia's mom, Michelle Trant, told Boston's WRKO radio that Cruz's fiery rhetoric did not scare her daughter whatsoever. 
“There was no tears,” Trant said, according to Politico. “I’m telling you: She was quite happy. She was like, ‘Oh? You’re going to put that out? We’re good. We’re good here.’ ... Ted Cruz is the one that will put this fire out. And then she then looked at him as a hero."
this can be viewed in one way only, Cruz is misleading, misinforming, out right fear mongering to a 3 yr. old child who obviously had enough sense to know the world was not on fire or at least her world in that time and space.  i think it was negligent of the mother to allow that type of over embellished rhetoric to be presented to her kid, she is a right winger obviously because of her lack of consideration of what her child hears as long as it's Obama bashing it's okay.  and hearing this BS and the girl relates Pres. to his race can form even more fear mongered recollection by the child.

republicans are as anti positive as their congress and indoctrinating their kids with those "PRINCIPLES" formerly know as "VALUES" only creates more discrimination and bigotry which could lead to racism which leads to more ignorance and separation. and the beat goes on and this child goes off to tell her peer group the whole world is on fire and upon looking around and seeing no fire or smoke begin the peer ridicule, all thanks not so much to Cruz but to her mother who allowed this travesty of facts.  hero nothing but a sandwich  God Bless that kid.