Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rubio: 'Absolutely' willing to defy European allies on Iran

WASHINGTON (AP) — Eying the Republican presidential nomination, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Tuesday he would "absolutely" defy stalwart European allies if necessary to revoke any Iranian nuclear deal he might inherit from President Barack Obama.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Rubio said the next U.S. president "should not be bound" by a potential Obama administration agreement, even if European negotiating partners stand behind the deal.
"The United States, although it's less than ideal, could unilaterally re-impose more crushing and additional sanctions," Rubio said. He said he would also "use the standing of the United States on the global stage to try to encourage other nations to do so."
The U.S. is negotiating the high-stakes nuclear deal with Iran alongside three European allies: Britain, France and Germany. Russia and China are also part of the U.S.-led negotiating team.
 If the U.S. were to break with the international coalition, it would put Washington at odds with European countries that are strong partners on a vast array of international issues, including Russia's aggression in Ukraine and the campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. It could also leave Russia and China in a stronger position to take advantage of economic opportunities in Iran.
Rubio is among the 47 senators who signed a letter to Iranian leadership last week warning that Congress could upend a deal. His comments go beyond that, clarifying the actions he would take as president and in the face of opposition from U.S. negotiating partners.
okay, looks like the race to total extremist is on and in true republican protocol screw everybody as long as we get to do it their way,  all the foreign goodwill this admin has created is being compromised by republicans who told us they want this Pres. to fail by virtue of that they want America to fail and they are doing everything they can to succeed.  even to the point of betraying our foreign partners trying to avoid war possibly nuclear war if you look at everyone they are trying to piss off.

now we have the so called BFF in the mid east Netanyahu back in the saddle and waving that sword of war even harder it appears right wing philosophy is winning out are we too tepid in our responses to those that threaten or is it right wing manipulation that creates the appearance of others being the monster under their beds when they seem to be the only ones talking conflict?  

Iran is sitting at the table where that leads we don't know what we do know is it would look a lot better if right wing influences were silenced. either way at least Iran is willing to sit down Netanyahu and the American republican congress are not.   talking smack and writing checks they obviously can't cash with the expectation that we are their big brother and will fight off the neighborhood bully Iran,  but who really is the bully the one sitting at the table or the ones ginning up the sounds of war???????