Friday, March 13, 2015

Rand Paul claims Iran letter was to strengthen Obama's hand...

i have to stop here 6 years plus of opposition and racial epithets thrown at Pres. their leaders and other say the just want him to fail now entering year 7 Paul wants to help going against his party to sink the talks and potentially start another war which is their number 2 job???
Rand Paul (R-Crazy Town) actually told Matt Lauer....with a straight face....that the letter sent was meant to STRENGTHEN Obama's hand in the negotiations.  That it was supposed to be more of a "hey, you have some hardliners here that you need to agree to this".
Have I lost my mind?  Why would you send a letter to IRAN, saying that "Hey, we might not keep this agreement once Obama is out of office", if you're trying to get them to agree to this negotiation?  And if you're trying to "support" the President, why the hell wouldn't you send a letter TO OBAMA saying "Hey, we got your back"?  
I swear he must be on something, because that's the lamest backpedal I have ever heard.....well, at least since the "I sign a lot of letters" line McCain gave us yesterday.
Here's the video.
there really must be something in their water or air probably pollution from deregulation's have come home to roost and they are nesting in what used to be brains of the right wing republicans.