Friday, March 6, 2015

Orange County attorney has filed a 'Sodomite Suppression Act' with the penalty of death attached

Guy wearing tinfoil hat

Even this guy knows that's crazy
You can go to snopes if you want but this, sadly, is very true.
An Orange County, Calif., attorney has filed a proposed ballot measure with the California Attorney General’s office asking voters to criminalize homosexuality in the state and impose a death penalty sentence.
The filing, submitted along with the required fee of $200, will allow attorney Matthew G. McLaughlin to begin the process of collecting the approximately 365,000 signatures needed to put the measure before California voters on an upcoming ballot, reports Raw Story.
There are other insane tidbits in the filing—things like one million dollar fines and bullet executions. You can read his filing as a pdf, here. It will make you angry and sad but, alternately it may make you laugh.
You get classic bigoted terms from yesteryear, plus bonus terms and phrases you may have never even thought you would ever hear like:
  • "Buggery"
  • "Sodomistic propaganda"
  • "Seeing that it is better that offenders should die rather than thatall of us should be killed by God's just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating-wickedness in our midst."
these people are all up in arms making false claims of someone else's rights imposes on their right to freedom of religion, though not true there should be a law to prevent them from doing what they accuse others of.  how do you wrap up in God and in the next sentence say he/she would prefer you kill another that is not in your midst because you honored the bill of rights that person's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

who is in more danger of losing their soul the Blasphemer or the person now subject to the New Testament scriptures and the evolved world?  they speak of intolerance how about those of us who don't believe in hate and bigotry don't we also have the right to not be imposed upon by the bigot's intolerance who has the better point, if you go by majority rule i would say we the non haters that embrace other American citizens who are not interfering in our live in any way but the haters gives the country the mark of bigot and racist and not the best country in the world.

Little is known about the petitioner or if his filing is on behalf of a client.
The filing indicates McLaughlin is an attorney from Huntington Beach, Calif., and records at the State Bar of California show that McLaughlin is on active status and licensed to practice law in the state.
Here are a few things I believe we may know about Mr. McLaughlin:
He's probably not fun to have around at dinner.
He's super homophobic–pathologically so
He reads the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible
is that really all to know? there are those those that are in the closet that protest too much make themselves a target for intent, maybe he ought to watch his back if he lives in a glass house.