Thursday, March 12, 2015

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Explains How Fox News Became "Most Trusted" By Convincing Viewers They "Are Being Sneered At, And Laughed At, And Spit Upon"

you really need to listen to this video i gives perspective on media appeal and why i agree with him and still hold two of my favorite explanations as best reason.

G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on"  these two coupled together has been a real winner for republican and right wing entities with not as much roll over from the Progressive side to them.  oh i don't know if you've seen the Fox commercial where they praise themselves and damn near break an arm patting themselves on the back but at the end it leaves you ROTFLYAO it says in the praise "get intelligent reporting" paraphrased but intelligent reporting was a definite gut buster especially when every other publication and media outlet of late addresses the lie fest that goes on there,  biggest one O'REILLY, then the Megyn KELLY, HANNITY, Geraldo, Stossel the list reads like republicans at CPAC TALKING ABOUT BENGHAZI AND OBAMACARES, nothing but the untruths folks.