Friday, March 20, 2015

FL DEP Employee Suspended and Forced to Obtain Medical Release for Mentioning Climate Change

I just saw this unbelievable release from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, via the Forecast the Facts Twitter feed.
It's been well-reported that Florida Governor Rick Scott has told state employees that they are not permitted to use the phrase "climate change" or "global warming." It's also public knowledge that other states, notably Pennsylvania and North Carolina, have gagged their employees in a similar manner.
Not to be outdone, it seems that Florida has now taken its policy to a new level, by suspending a Department of Environmental Protection employee for mentioning climate change in the official notes of a public meeting. And just to make sure that message is clear, the employee is also being forced to obtain a medical release related to his "behavior" before returning to work.
A quote from the PEER press release:
As he was given the reprimand on March 9th, Mr. Bibler was told to not return to work for two days which would be charged against his personal leave time. Two days later he received a “Medical Release Form” requiring that his doctor supply the DEP with an evaluation of unspecified “medical condition and behavior” issues before being allowed to return to work.
republican tyrannical governing beginning to sound more like the foreign dictators they want and have removed from their own countries,  didn't historical figures like the emperors of Rome, the Czars of Russia, the dear leaders of No. Korea, Chairmans of China, Ayatollahs of Iran, demand similar obedience from it's people under threats of repercussions in those cases mostly death or long term imprisonment,  but this is the 21st century and requiring one to get a report of your alleged mental problem because you called it as it was.  

this is just the beginning my friends when one does something  this egregious having one submit to something that will follow them throughout their life and i'd wager not completely honest with why, the others will follow we've seen it with voter suppression, refusal of ObamaCares, food stamp revoking they are a threat to you too.  how long before their faithful realize what they cheered about last week is now knee deep in their lives?

those voting for these dictators would be presidents open your eyes "WAKE UP EVERYBODY".