Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cotton has 'no regrets' on Iran letter, warns that 'they already control Tehran'


Congressman Tom Cotton of Arkansas speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
The open letter to Iran signed by 47 Senate Republicans and spearheaded by Sen. Tom Cotton has drawn harsh criticism from newspapers around the country. The German foreign minister has pointed out that "This is no small matter we’re talking about ... This is not just an issue of American domestic politics." Quite a few Republican insiders are unhappy about it, and even some of the senators who signed it are expressing regrets, albeit bizarre ones. But as for the Arkansas Republican who led the charge, he:
... told CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday that he has “no regrets at all” and accused President Obama of “not negotiating for the hardest deal possible.”
Of course, in the same interview, Cotton also had this to say:
“Moreover, we have to stand up to Iran’s attempts to drive for regional dominance,” he continued. “They already control Tehran and, increasingly, they control Damascus and Beirut and Baghdad. And now, Sana’a as well.”
"They already control Tehran." Is this the first time a country's control of its own capital city has been taken as evidence that it is driving for regional dominance and must be stopped? WTF. "We have to stand up to France's attempts to drive for regional dominance. They already control Paris ..."
this is becoming a daily event one of the republican whack a moles pops up says something that can only come from the party of stupidity right after they make some inane act of treason or mutiny as the media is calling it now both are punishable by hanging btw.  when i heard this last night i lost it take my word for it when you have lung cancer you shouldn't expose yourself to such hilarity.  really did any of them attend a school he's 37 he would have had Iran in the geography class guess he was playing hooky that day. some of them claim they never sent emails well looks like they never used Google or some other search engine either so easy to verify what they are getting ready to say to the world before going on the record.  now he can never lose that moment of being republican.