Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Benghazi committee extends deadline on Clinton's emails


my first question is which committee, the undercover Issa, the Gowdy or the Beohner committee on Benghazi,  isn't that piling up the taxpayer dollars for the same triple redundancy?
Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said on March 4 that Clinton had until March 13 to comply with a subpoena to provide the committee with relevant emails. The deadline has been extended to March 27, the spokesman confirmed. 
‎"Chairman ‎Gowdy granted a reasonable extension because for him this is not about politics. It is about getting all relevant documents for the committee," said Jamal Ware, spokesman for the committee. "He still believes the best option for Secretary Clinton is to turn over her server to a neutral arbiter to independently determine what should be in the public domain. The committee has no interest in her personal emails."
 Members of Gowdy's committee argue that they need to see all of Clinton's emails, including those she did not give to the State Department, to be sure of this.
Gowdy's committee is investigating the attack in which a U.S. ambassador was killed, along with three other Americans, during Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. He has said he wants Clinton to testify to the committee before April, when she is expected to formally announce her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
he was asked by Wallace what would his committee find that other didn't dancing and no response but true to republican witch hunts the grand inquisitor stated he has no proof of criminal activity so if you follow that line that is why he failed to say what he would find that other committees missed nothing it's still in Issa's head and gut he needs to take a laxative to get rid of that.  and toss those fishing poles they never seem to catch anything, while the spending just keeps on going down the drain.  why aren't we "mad as hell and not going to take this any more" i guess that was just a line in a movie. NETWORK