Friday, March 13, 2015

At Least Four States Are Pushing Koch-Backed Legislation To Ban Funding EPA’s Climate Rule

Americans for Prosperity Foundation Chairman David Koch  speaks in Orlando, Florida, in August, 2013.

Lawmakers from at least four states have introduced model legislation from the right-wing group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) seeking to prohibit state funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to fight climate change.
On Thursday, Missouri state lawmaker Tim Remole introduced a resolution mimicking the text of AFP’s Reliable, Affordable and Safe Power (RASP) Act. Remole’s resolution “seeks to prohibit state agencies from using state money to implement EPA rules and guidelines,” specifically the EPA’s efforts to limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
Nearly identical resolutions have also been introduced in Florida, Virginia, and South Carolina in 2015. Each one says the proposed limits on carbon emissions from power plants “will not measurably alter any impacts of climate change,” “conflicts with a literal reading of the law,” and would “effectively amount to a federal takeover of the electricity system of the United States.”
shouldn't that be the Koch's effectively taking over the poisoning of the United states, this is more attempts to buy politicians to deliver deregulation to their factory's with the billowing smoke stacks carbon dioxide is what you body expels when you exhale if it were good for you it would be when you inhale but God didn't make us like that.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2012, CO2 accounted for about 82% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals). Human activities are altering the carbon cycle—both by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere and by influencing the ability of natural sinks, like forests, to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. While CO2 emissions come from a variety of natural sources, human-related emissions are responsible for the increase that has occurred in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution.

A new study details how for each increase of one degree Celsius caused by carbon dioxide, the resulting air pollution would lead annually to about a thousand additional deaths and many more cases of respiratory illness and asthma in the United States.
keep in mind the Koch's and their pacts are seeking to remove any agency or part of state gov't from invoking the EPA restrictions emissions of wait for it............................."CARBON DIOXIDE"!!!  that's the stuff that kills you wouldn't that also mean if allowed we would not be buying Koch goods we would be dead so the overseas market they all have been cultivating benefit until the start installing those deadly factories???