Monday, February 16, 2015

With Mitt Romney gone, the knives come out for Jeb Bush

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush addresses the Detroit Economic Club about his "Reform Conservative Agenda" in Detroit, Michigan, February 4, 2015    REUTERS/Rebecca Cook   (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) - RTR4O910

boy he's got that cross-eyed which way is up that W used to have whenever he was faced with something having to do with his job.
Now that Mitt Romney has taken himself out of the picture, the rest of the slowly congealing presidential field has turned their public attention to savaging Jeb Bush.
Rand Paul is attacking him as a hypocrite on marijuana who’s indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton. Ted Cruz is questioning whether Bush’s stands on education and immigration will fly with primary voters. Conservative outside groups are going after him, with one airing a TV ad declaring, “We do not want dynasties in our White House.” 
This is in fact the Mitt Romney plan, and conundrum. The plan is to simply coast through the primaries looking like the serious fellow who cannot be bothered to debate the lesser life forms surrounding him; the conundrum is how long to keep that up when the lesser life forms are, alas, landing solid blows.
And solid blows they might be, because Jeb!'s major problem in the primaries will be that he and his immediate family are not what passes for true conservatives these days, now that true conservatism consists of declaring that ISIS will be using refugee children to spread ebola or warning that something called "Agenda 21" is rapidly turning America into a hellscape of bicycle paths and unpolluted air. 
[Bush] fought for annual standardized testing, with schools graded based on their students' results. And Bush also frequently talks about his work to end social promotion — holding students back in third grade if they didn't get high enough scores on a standardized reading test.
Among Republican voters, "there’s this notion that these seem like perfectly fine ideas, but we’re a little nervous about you going to Washington to do them," Hess said. "Because it sounds like you want to have bureaucrats in the US Education Department grade schools and promote students."
Specifically, Bush has been a strong advocate of Common Core, which along with George W. Bush's education "reforms" and other attempts to unify education standards is now considered by most of the base to be devil's work. As Mitt Romney had to denounce his own healthcare accomplishments, Jeb Bush is going to have to throw his entire education platform under the bus before the debates get underway. Ditto on immigration.
like i said the republican party forces you to be someone else morphing at each stage of your candidacy till you get in then someone able to be as apathetic as the party demands to stay there eventually someone able to follow orders and live with themselves afterward.  but rest assured that like  they said about the 2012 front runner "Obama is dangerous just hold your nose and vote for Romney".  now it's Bush 3.0 although he might be a little liberal then that will dictate what he says now and if he's true to his convictions he'll be not conservative enough but if he's the only loaf of bread on the shelf they will vote for him clothes pin on the nose or not.