Friday, February 6, 2015

Scott Walker vs. The Truth. Truth Wins. This round.

It has been a wild 24 hours in Wisconsin, following Scott Walker's budget address to the state legislature last night.  Pleased to see Hunter's diary up there.  I can't do full justice to the horrid mess that Walker just dumped at the state capitol. Demolition of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the state's land conservation fund.  Destruction of public schools so that charter schools and school vouchers can take over.  Requiring (unconstitutional) drug testing of food stamp recipients.   
Cutting $300 million form the state university system.  Defunding Wisconsin public radio and TV.  Borrowing $1.3 billion to spend on roads, to keep the road-builders' lobby fat and happy.  Issuing $200 million in state bonds for a new basketball stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks.  Racking up of a $2 billion structural deficit.  It's the budget of a party, and an individual, so drunk on their own unchecked power that they don't even pause to see who they are stabbing.
But it was one hidden bit of policy change that the forces of evil made that has been the talk of the state:  the changing of the language in the Wisconsin statutes that establishes the University of Wisconsin system's mission.  Here is the proposed change, friends, in all its gory glory:

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it's a given the guy is a Koch whore, this is the right wing republican plab revised from the 70's when Nixon and Roger Ailes set up Fox's manifesto which is still in play today.

less than half the country is under the mesmerizing effects of the republican doctrine of hate, exclusion, misleading with misinformation G W Bush put it best, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on",  so when republicans lie and practice deception it's with the assurance that their base is to gullible to not embrace it.  it's easy to take a horse to water and have him/her drink when they are already thirsty, plant the seeds and your garden grows but only if you concentrate on it's nourishment. privatization numeral uno on the right wing list of things to do,  to us.