Sunday, February 8, 2015

Republicans having trouble with the whole 'responsibility to govern' thing

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) (L) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speak at a news conference about the U.S. debt ceiling crisis at the U.S. Capitol in Washington July 30, 2011. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst  

Republicans took over Congress with claims that they would Take Charge And Get Stuff Done. It's not so easy, they're finding. For one thing, Senate Democrats aren't going to unilaterally disarm and forego the filibuster that Republicans used so aggressively while in the minority. But divisions among Republicans are also turning out to be a major stumbling block.
Case in point: funding the Department of Homeland Security. House Republicans want to use the funding to demand deportation of immigrants. But even if they didn't have to contend with Democrats, Senate Republicans aren't all entirely on board with that. That sets up conflict between House and Senate Republicans. DHS funding needs to be passed by February 27, a date that's coming up fast when you consider that Congress will be in recess the week of February 16. Responsibility is on Republicans, but the extremists of the House don't want to accept that:
Some Republicans acknowledge that the immigration aspects of the Homeland Security bill will have to be stripped out. The question they cannot resolve is how to get conservative lawmakers to realize that. Some have suggested that the repeated Senate votes that all end the same way, in defeat, will help drive that point home.
Part of the problem that some Senate Republicans find so frustrating is that their colleagues in the House do not always seem to appreciate that a majority in the Senate does not mean that the party controls every outcome.
House leaders are digging in:
“Senator McConnell is trying to win the fight that we won in the House,” Boehner said. “The House fought this fight, we won this fight. Now it’s time for Senate Democrats to work with Senate Republicans to stop the president’s unilateral actions with regards to immigration.”
Hispanics are you hearing and taking notes, the party that was all gung ho on security and taking the fight to them secure the borders are now more than willing to forgo funding part of Homeland Security just to keep you out of the country are you catching on they say reaching out they must have super rubber arms because with every breath they are deliberately pushing you further away, not the way you interpreted reaching out is it??  they don't want you as long as they think you will not and rightly so vote for them.  you know who has your back thwe same ones who have always had it. recognize