Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rand Paul releases 'secret tape' between Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton


Rand Paul at a campaign stop in Waterloo, Iowa for his father, ahead of the Ames Straw Poll.

The latest contribution to the discourse from Sen. Rand Paul is, somewhat appropriately for the movement he represents, a faked tape.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the 2016 field’s most prolific adopter of social media, has posted what aides wryly call a “secret tape” of a fake phone call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.
RAND PAC, Paul’s political organization, used actors to portray the conversation, which hits both rivals on the dynasty issue. [...]
“Clinton” says: “We both agree on so many issues: bigger government, Common Core, and amnesty for illegal immigrants.”
No matter. What's important here is that Sen. Rand Paul, a man who literally inherited his political career, his political contacts, his campaign strategy, his fundraising tools, and his entire pre-prepared collection of slightly nutty, definitely fervent, dubiously libertarian fans from his father, wants to run for president as his father did before him because he thinks political dynasties are bad.

this party's MO is that of the frog and scorpion

they seem unable to sustain the false facade they perpetrate without revealing themselves to be the deceitful ones in our gov't that make their agenda look more like those of foreign dictators they always want to oust and occupy their land for their resources while telling us how evil they are.  it's gotten so now that that and misinformation are the methods of choice instead of just telling the truth i understand their truth would cost them elections but over time if they were to join the humane race of Americans and stop hating and fabricating could be a partially sunny day sometime in their future.

did he ever consider that his skulduggery would be discovered and he would be seen as not the guy running around to Black orgs. trying to fool Black people into believing he's their White knight but as one that has no respect for us.