Saturday, February 7, 2015

Jon Stewart: You can have great regard for law enforcement and still want them held to high standard

Bravo, Mr. Stewart:

Jon Stewart offered the perfect rebuttal to the vicious, disgusting, and inflammatory comments made by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and by other conservatives looking for attention (who knew former New York Governor George Pataki was considering a run for the White House in two years? Who actually even remembers George Pataki?).
The ambush and murder of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos was a horrific, unprovoked act of violence against two innocent people. The murder of police officers targets the entire community, because we task the police primarily with protecting the rest of us from criminals who would violate our liberties, take our property or even our lives. These two murders tear at the fabric of our society.
my friends this is no laughing matter Mr. Stewart brings the expectancy of comedic truths this time he's dead serious which in my mind makes the message even more powerful and memorable.  it really doesn't matter how you get it or who opens the door it's what you do once you step through.  we need to remember it's about us all collectively even though the focus can be on one or many it's still about us all.  we've heard the phrase "what's done to one is done to us all" i don't know the origin but i recognize the relativity.