Saturday, February 7, 2015

Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive: White Americans Did the Same Thing to Black People by the Thousands

ISIS burned Muadh al Kasasbeh, a captured Jordian fighter pilot, to death. They doused him with an accelerant. His captors set him on fire. Muadh al Kasasbeh desperately tried to put out the flames. ISIS recorded Muadh al Kasasbeh's immolation, produced a video designed to intimidate their enemies, and then circulated it online.
ISIS's burning alive of Muadh al Kasasbeh has been denounced as an act of savagery, barbarism, and wanton cruelty--one from the "dark ages" and not of the modern world.
American Exceptionalism blinds those who share its gaze to uncomfortable facts and truths about their own country.
For almost a century, the United States practiced a unique cultural ritual that was as least as gruesome as the "medieval" punishments meted out by ISIS against its foes.
What is now known as "spectacular lynching" involved the ceremonial torture, murder--and yes, burning alive--of black Americans by whites. Like ISIS's use of digital media to circulate images of the torturous death of Muadh al Kasasbeh by fire, the spectacular lynchings of the black body were shared via postcards and other media.
In fact, the burned to death images of the black body were one of the most popular types of mass culture in 19th and 20th century America.
this is the hypocrisy of American history and the omission of facts that don't make those powers that were look any better than the very gruesome acts of today. it's out now let's see if any discourse materializes or will like the century's past it be basically censored by one side refusal to engage in the honest historicals facts or just keep the status quo of denial or "what does it have to do with me now, i didn't do it".  everyones up in arms the previous dismisal of any more "boots on the ground" has now reverted back to "yeah, let's take it to 'em"  i hear mostly republicans not saying Dems haven't rallied so far two lead for Dems,
“Congress may be willing to endure small numbers of spotters or Special Forces” fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish troops, said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). “I’m open to that.”
“I’ve become convinced that this notion of having folks to help with spotting and targeting is probably appropriate,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.).
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who is really anymore savage than another??