Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Stain on American History

A Stain on American History
This site is an educational endeavor to raise awareness of the Choctaw-Chickasaw timberland scandals of the 20th century, and to forge a better future, holding the United States government accountable and reflective of the American ideals of justice and integrity. We encourage you to spend time on the site to learn more about this important issue.
The Chickasaw and Choctaw nations of Oklahoma share threads of a common history.  Most Americans are aware of the Trail of Tears, the forced relocation of the Five Civilized Tribes to Oklahoma, but less known are the betrayals and broken promises that occurred after these sovereign tribal nations started over in Indian Territory. And while no one wants to dwell on painful events in American history, awareness is the only way to maintain our country’s values of honor, integrity, and justice.
i watched this today in the wake of yesterday and all the controversial/adversarial rhetoric about what's happening in the middle east with heinous deaths, broken promises and treaties, land grabbing all these things are front and center in today's news cycles.  when pointed out by Pres. of the same dynamic repeating itself over the millenniums he was attacked by the incensed right wing republicans who either were knee jerk reacting to challenge anything Obama or they are fighting the reality of American history that they seem unable to handle the truth.  i'm entering this as another example of our history not being unique from any other culture some would like to engage in a pissing match of who's is worse but that has proven to be why we are still unable to get pass certain buzz words without triggering an all out freakout by some.  until we can deal in dept we will be the greatest countryin the world that can bring it's divide to light long enough to resolve it.

God Bless us and our mutual struggles

A Stain on American History

This site is an educational endeavor to raise awareness of the Choctaw-Chickasaw timberland scandals of the 20th century, and to forge a better future, holding the United States government accountable and reflective of the American ideals of justice and integrity. We encourage you to spend time on the site to learn more about this important issui watched this today and in light of all the controversy about mid eastern aggression deaths, seizing land and who knows the other atrocities that were never reported.  some just want to bury their heads and not remember others want to hold their hands over their ears and go lalalalalalala, but the reality is those things don't work, what will work is addressing the issues with full acceptance of the historical facts of this country. it's irresponsible to point and accuse with disdain those who are in today's news without acknowledging what your ancestors did was equally as reprehensible, who knows through the process who's to say we could not find ways to mend ourselves and also giving us maybe a better understanding and way to deal with our current dilema.just like the journey of 1,000 miles starts with one step so too can communications start with one listen to word not dismissed.  it's all of our futures all of us have a say if not it is not our future it's someone else's agenda.