Tuesday, February 17, 2015

16 Times Fox News Claimed Obama "Diminished" The Presidency


Naturally, President Obama's lighthearted appearance last week in a BuzzFeed video that promoted the deadline to sign up for health coverage through the Affordable Care Act triggered humorless responses from his conservative critics.
Like clockwork, conservative commentators, led by Fox News, swooped in. Assigning themselves the role of protocol police, they sternly announced that Obama had extinguished all "dignity" from the Oval Office. "I yearn for my president looking presidential and serious right now," announced Fox News host Greta Van Susteren.
Sound familiar? It should. For six years now Fox News' lineup of talkers and guests have been regurgitating the same condescending claim: Obama has "diminished" the office of the presidency and had done something unspeakable that's "beneath" his lofty position. It's part of an uglier, ongoing attack on Obama. It's the Fox News suggestion that Obama's not part of the American tradition, that he doesn't understand our history and doesn't know how conduct himself. Or, he's so arrogant that he just doesn't care.
my thoughts if he was doing so bad why haven't these beneath the office incidents been self convicting and so evident you can't help but notice why have they spent all day every day for 6 years telling you about something not quite so obvious to those of us who don't need daily instructions on what we think, or is he that clever or are they just creating these things and if you look at the wording in the list of things Fox is telling it's faithful what they should think not asking if they agree.  

if you think about it what republican are doing is calling the viewers of those shows he went on and youtube people beneath their self glorification and not to be regarded as relevant and the POTUS should not mingle with them they are insignificant voters but they are not insignificant to Pres.  like everybody else they are alienating those who were detrimental to their two time defeat 08-12

so republicans you are beneath the electorate the votes you stole were not vote for you just hijacked by you.  read the list of things that are beneath republicans in the article it tells you how low they know themselves to be to think they are above such innocent getting out their with real Americans not filthy rich.