Wednesday, January 21, 2015

GOP Mentions Immigration In Spanish SOTU Response But Not In English One

In a disparity that crystalizes the Republican Party's struggle with immigration reform, its official English-language response to President Obama's State of the Union address did not mention the issue -- but its Spanish-language response did.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) didn't mention immigration once during her official Republican response, which was aired nationally Tuesday night. A pledge that the GOP would "work to correct executive overreach" was as close as she came.
But Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), who delivered the Spanish-language GOP response, did bring it up. Democratic opposition research firm American Bridge pointed out the discrepancy in an email to reporters.
"We should also work through the appropriate channels to create permanent solutions for our immigration system," Curbelo said, as translated by American Bridge. A Google translation of Univision's report on Curbelo's remarks largely corroborated the translation.
people, my fellow Americans and Hispanics to be, they are cheating and deceiving and it's not even their show, they tell you they want this but as i've said in many post they don't want you here mostly because they feel you will not vote for them and for good reason they have been BSing you from the beginning Cruz was suppose to be the one he reneged Rubio phony from the jump they keep finding no they hust drop it like it's hot that ises. took the action they now want to take back by no means because hw did it ion his own but because they don't want you here. recognioze