Saturday, December 6, 2014

Why Hosting Rudy Giuliani To Talk About Race Is A Bad Idea
Media outlets have been hosting former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to discuss race as it relates to crime and policing. But Giuliani, who stoked "racial divisions" during his time in office, has used these outlets to push "false" and "misleading" crime statistics.

Giuliani Cites "Misleading" And "False" Statistics About Race And Crime

Giuliani Repeatedly Asserted That "93 Percent Of Blacks In America Are Killed By Other Blacks." During a November appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, Giuliani repeatedly touted the statistic that "93 percent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks." Giuliani also said, "White police officers won't be there [in black areas] if you weren't killing each other 70% of the time." [NBC, Meet the Press, 11/23/14]
Wash. Post's Fact Checker Calls Out Giuliani's "Misleading" Statistic. On The Washington Post's Fact Checker blog, Michelle Ye Hee Lee wrote that Giuliani's talking point was "misleading" and "lacks significant context":
Giuliani's statistic is rooted in Department of Justice studies. But it lacks significant context -- especially because race relations and police treatment of minorities are complex and emotionally-charged topics. We also found it difficult to support Giuliani's personal estimation of the rarity of deadly force by white police officers on black victims, but were limited by the unreliable data on homicides by police.
Ultimately, it is misleading for Giuliani to simplify this topic to the 93 percent statistic and then omit the corresponding statistic for intraracial white murders. [Fact Checker, The Washington Post11/25/14]
Giuliani On Fox: The Conviction Rate For White And Black People Who Commit Murder Is "Approximately The Same." 
During an appearance on Fox & Friends to discuss the outcry over his Meet The Press comments, Giuliani claimed "only about 3 percent of whites kill blacks. They go to jail at approximately the same percentage as blacks go to jail. The conviction rate is almost exactly the same. The difference is, it's a very rare exception when a white kills a black." [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 11/24/14, via]
PunditFact: Giuliani's Race Murder Claim Completely Lacks Evidence. 
PunditFact rated Giuliani's claim about conviction rates by race "false":Giuliani said, "the conviction rate is almost exactly the same" for whites and blacks who commit murder.
We couldn't find any statistical evidence to support Giuliani's claim, and experts said they weren't aware of any, either. We found some related data, but that data only serves to highlight some of the racial disproportion in the justice system.
And when you take a step back, Giuliani's comment -- even if supported by statistical evidence -- would amount to cherry-picking data to shed the most benign light on racial disparities of the American justice system. Jurisprudence in general does not reflect this pattern.
Without statistical data to back up his claim, we rate it False.
okay he is a fake like so many on that side the use hyperbole and out right misinformation let me just break it down, bald faced lies to get in to office then all throughout to stay in then after it's over if they tell the truth then it exposes the multitude of misleading's in order to create a false legacy, but again they forget it's all archived and we will know eventually. prolonging the inevitable only makes the impact stronger had they come clean by the time the lies are exposed they would have been forgotten and no need to hide your face.

they don't want to resolve the race issue because now and since it's always benefited them, with their numbers decreasing they are trying tohold on to as much as they can to lessen the blow to them when they wake up and find out they are the new minority.